Seminars and Workshops - Beginning of 2024
Friday 2/2/24 - Intro to Agility Workshop - 7pm - 9pm
Learn about foundations to agility, teach your dog to navigate obstacles, work off of your body language, increase confidence, and have fun. The dog must be able to crate for short periods of time, have a reliable recall off leash, and sit or down stay for short duration. maximum 6 handler/dog teams. $75 2 hour workshop
Saturday 2/17/24 K9 BBR (Building Better Relationships) Agility Trial 6pm
First Run $25, second run $20. Jump your own jump height, maximum 3 faults allowed, one dog on the floor at a time, all dogs are crated in separate room. This is a great venue for the new handler, new dog, older dog, or reactive dog. Very informal...with Awards...No drama...constructive help. To register, email your name, dogs name, dogs jump height, breed, and your email /text phone.
Friday 2/23/24 Engagement with your Dog 7pm - 9pm
What is engagement? It is the foundation to all obedience behaviors. This is a two hour workshop for you and your dog, with demo dogs, on how to create better engagement with your dog whether you want a well balanced puppy, competition obedience dog, agility dog, rally dog, or sport dog. Games will be demonstrated on how to get better eye contact, relationship, fundamental basic skills through motivation, and attention. Seminar fee $75 for first family member $25 for second family member.
Friday 3/1/24 Meet the Local Trainer/ Ask the Trainer 6pm - 9pm
Since coming to Hackettstown, we have trained many hundreds of dogs, problem solving, teaching foundational obedience, competition obedience, fun dog games, Canine Good Citizen, and more. Come mee the trainer, book your time, bring your dog for a short evaluation where we can answer any questions you have on our facility or your dog. We welcome meeting new clients who relish their dog and family. No Charge but reservation times required from 6pm to 9pm.
Friday 3/29/24 E Collar Seminar with Demo 7pm - 9pm
We have held multiple E collar or Stimulus Seminars with a sold out audience on the education, learning, utilization, and implementation of E collar training for pet, sport, or hunting. This seminar will introduce different brands of E collars and how their stimulus is different, fitting of collars, use of collars for a push pull system, or for negative reinforcement for problem behaviors. Demo will be provided. Seminar cost $90 first family member $10 second family member.
Friday 4/5/24 All Things Puppy - Selection, Socialization, Training - 7pm -9pm
Thinking of getting a puppy? Know the breed you want? Learn the traits of that breed. Research your breeder. Do your homework. Understand Contracts and Papers and Registration...Learn what socialization really means. Set your puppy up for success. Teach foundations and understand puppy brain. Invest in this seminar to educate yourself on the proper puppy for your household as it is a lifetime commitment and expense. $75 first family member $25 second family member
Friday 4/19/24 K9 BBR (Building Better Relationships) Agility Trial 6pm
First Run $25, second run $20. Jump your own jump height, maximum 3 faults allowed, one dog on the floor at a time, all dogs are crated in separate room. This is a great venue for the new handler, new dog, older dog, or reactive dog. Very informal...with Awards...No drama...constructive help. To register, email your name, dogs name, dogs jump height, breed, and your email /text phone.
Friday 5/3/24 Problem Solving Behaviors, why the exist and how to correct them. 6:30 to 9pm
This is an in depth seminar with handout material on Problem Solving Behaviors and how to address and correct them. Topics include, counter surfing, housebreaking, biting, aggression, reactivity to dogs, humans, cars, dog park problems, proper socialization, dog bites, fear based behaviors. Seminar fee $100 first family member $25 second family member.