999 Willow Grove Street, Hackettstown NJ
Puppy-Wuppy Dog Training

Baron "Boreas"Von Stickel
7/25/98 – 5/16/12
Sadly, 2 Months Shy of Boreas’ 14th birthday, we made the decision to let him go.
It was his time, as much as I was fighting it. He was tired, had trouble with his body moving the way he wanted it to, and spent many days sleeping on his bed in the kitchen.
A far cry from our days of dog shows, first place awards, numerous weekend trips to Lake George year after year, swimming, fetching, and stealing people's noodle.
We spent many summer nights getting soft serve at Dairy Queen while during the day, he played in the pool that was built just for him. Other times, he loved chasing Chaos and Calais around the property, keeping them in check.
We traveled to many places together, as he was my vehicle copilot, sitting in the front seat so regal as a Shepherd should. We trained and trialed at many dog shows where he earned his CD title at the young age of 2 yrs old. His CDX at 3 yrs old and his UD title at only 4 yrs old.
He accomplished a Schutzhund BH, Two AKC Rally Titles, the Canine Good Citizen award and was a registered Therapy Dog through TDI.
Boreas, who’s official name is Baaron Von Stickel, CD, CDX, UD, RN, RA, BH, CGC, Tdi had many other names as well. He got the nickname, Munchkin, because we used to drive through the Dunkin Donuts every week on our way to Dog Training and he would stick his head out to the DU operator and they would give him free munchkins….although I think he would have rather had the cookies from McDonalds.
He was also fondly called Bear by the family members, Mom and Frank, Mr. Bizer, by his Vet Tech and very good friend of mine, and in his older age I often referred to him as Bub Bub.
He truly was my best friend and I will miss him every day of my life. Boreas’ soul mate, Emma, will miss him as well. She looked for him the day he left us and I think she is as sad at times, as I am. I can only hope that there is a better place for him now and that he is happy. He will always be in my heart and thoughts.
I love you Munchin.
Boreas consists mostly of West German working lines with the infamous #1 stud dog of all time, Drigon Von Fuhrmanshof as his great-great grandsire. Drigon is a 3x BSP participant with a score of 299 in 1976, 1977, and 1978. He is the son of the 1974 Bundessiger, Enno Antreftal. These dogs have stable confident and high working drives.
Fenga was bred to Drigon. Fenga, a black Sable, was twice HGH champion in the mid 1970’s. She was an excellent sheep herding dog with a great deal of drive to work. Out of this litter came the infamous “U” litter of Uwe and Uran. (Uwe produced the 1986 Bundessiger Dunja). From there, continuing on the sires side, Uran produced Marko VonDer Siegerland who was owned by Jill Hill and shown at the 1993 North American’s taking 4th place with 97-95-95, total 287 V rating. Also shown in 1994 at the SchH3 Nationals taking a tie for 5th with 99-94-94, total 287 V Rating.
Also on the sires side in Baaron’s lines is Boss VonDer Maineiche who is a 2x BSP participant and half brother to Neck VonDer Maineich (BSP) Their father, Xento is a 1x BSP participant. Xento’s father, Older Von der Maineiche is the sire of the infamous Marko Vom Cellerland. Marko won the 1972 SV German Sieger (Working Show Lines Pedigree) and placed 4th in 1971 and 1973.
As for Baaron, I was not familiar with SchH when I obtained him at 4 months old from my breeder Elizabeth Bradley, who is a top SchH competitor. I decided to compete with him in AKC Obedience in which he excelled earning his UD by the Age of 4. His accomplishments speak for themselves as
CD: Companion Dog: Age: 1 yr.(3 for 3 Shows)10/17/99 :: Score 176 :: 2nd Place 10/31/99 :: Score187 :: 2nd Place
11/14/99 :: Score1881/2 :: 3rd Place
11/21/99 :: Score 190 :: 1st Place
CDX: Companion Dog Excellent:
Age: 2yrs.10/29/00 :: Score 180.5 :: 1st Place 11/12/00 :: Score 1881/2 :: 5th Place
(Highest Scoring GSD)
4/21/01 :: Score 190 :: 4th Place
(Highest Scoring GSD)
UD: Utility Dog: Age: 4yrs.10/13/02 :: Score 187.5 :: 1st Place 2/28/03 :: Score 191 :: 2nd Place
(Highest Scoring GSD w/CGC)
5/24/03 :: Score 183 :: 1st Place
Other Entries: 01/10/04 :: Open B :: Score 194 :: 5th Place 02/21/04 :: Utility B :: Score 191 :: 4th Place
10/10/04 :: Open B :: Score 196 ½ :: 2nd Place

Emma Peel Vom Tollhaus, CD, CDX, SchHIII, RA, NAP, NAJ, CGC
Emma was imported from Germany to be specifically bred to Boreas (Barron Von Stickel) in which she produced 10 puppies, two of which we kept, Chaos and Calais, both of which are also listed on this site.
Emma comes from old German lines with Lumb Gleidreieck, son of Lord Com Gleisdreieck. Her dam was Bungee vom Tollhaus.
Emma earned two High In Trials at Northern NJ GSD Club
She competed in Schutzhund for her IPO 3 earning High Obedience
Her AKC obedience scores were consistently in the 190 or above range and she titled in ADPT Level 2 as well.
Emma was our alpha dog, she provided stability to our family and pack, she was trained in personal protection and was as stable as they come. She was consistent in her scoring and she will be sorely missed in our household.
June 3, 2003 - September 7, 2018

Calais comes from a breeding of Boreas and Emma from our page. (West German Working Line and East German lines) Calais is litter mate to Chaos. Calais, more of the sensitive of the two littermates, enjoyed running agility and excelled at in in AKC and NADAC.. Although he competed in AKC obedience, as all our dogs do, he did not enjoy it as much as his Agility. We always have our dogs perform a dog sport to keep them mentally challenged, active, and keep us on our toes With that, we continued the Agility Venue with Cali where he earned multiple titles and awards. In his retirement, he chose my mom, a family member, to enjoy is retirement with which made us happy he found his "person".
Housemate to "Mom" he enjoyed walks in the park in his retirement, assisted her with her mobility when she had an accident, and became house watchdog while we were out training our other K9's.
Born 6/13/06
Age 12 when he passed

Chaos Von Stickel
Chaos Von Stickel comes from Von Stickel Kennels with Sire Baaron Von Stickel, CD, CDX, UD, RN, BH, CGC, Tdi. Baaron comes from mostly of West German working lines with the infamous #1 stud dog of all time, Drigon Von Fuhrmanshof as his great-great grandsire. Drigon is a 3x BSP participant with a score of 299 in 1976, 1977, and 1978. He is the son of the 1974 Bundessiger, Enno Antreftal. These dogs have stable confident and high working drives.
Chaos’ dam is Emma Peel Vom Tollhaus (see above)
Chaos is a very high prey, slightly nervy, fun dog to train that enjoys working in all aspects of sport work.

As of February 2013, Chaos holds 9 titles (Obedience, Rally, Agility, Schutzhund) to his credit.
TN-N title: 12/151st place, 1/20 1st place, 2/9 2nd place
USA Schutzhund Club of America:
BH March 2010 Pine Barrens Schutzhund Club 58/60
AKC Companion Dog Excellent:
CDX (5 Shows for his title)
1/2011 Princeton Dog Training Club 176
2/2011 Staten Island Dog Training Club 186
5/2011 Berks Dog Training Club 184
AKC Companion Dog CD:
2/2010 Staten Island Kennel Club, 186.5
2/2010 Staten Island Kennel Club, 186
3/2010 Monticello Kennel Club, 181
AKC Rally Advanced RA:
5/2009. Monmouth Kennel Club. 1st Place, Score 98
6/2009. Taconic Kennel Club, 2nd place
AKC Rally Novice RN:
2/2009. Trial 1 Schooleys Mt. Kennel Club, 4th Place, Score 92
2/2009 Trial 2 Port Chester Obedience Club, 5th Place, Score 91
2/2009 (Title)Garden State Specialty All Breed, Score 86
2/2009 Staten Island Companion DTC, 2nd Place, Score 99
4/2009, Trial 1 Qualified
4/2009, Trial 2, 4th Place
5/2009, Trial 3 1st Place
1/2010 – Trial 1, 4th Place
1/2010 – Trial 2, Qualified
1/2010 – Trial 3, 4th Place
CGC: Earned July 2008