999 Willow Grove Street, Hackettstown NJ
Puppy-Wuppy Dog Training

Baaron Von Stickel, CD, CDX, UD, RN, RA, RE, CGC, BH, Tdi
Boreas was the first German Shepherd of the Puppy-Wuppy Family. Previously, we owned a different breed, but after meeting him as a puppy, and training hm to be my first competition dog, I could never go back.
Boreas was an all around excellent dog. He could turn it on in the ring, earn excellent scores...He could chill in the house. He traveled and boated with us on weekends. He vacationed to the beach, the country, dog training club, dog shows, and never left my side.
Being my first competition dog, we stuck mostly with AKC obedience, earning multiple trophies, ribbons, and awards for his obedience.
West German Lines with the #1 stud dog of his time, Drigon Von Fuhrmanshoff as his great - grandsire. Drigon was a 3x BSP participant with a score o 299 out o 300. Boreas also comes from herding lines, with Fenga who was bred to Drigo. Fenga, Twice HGH champion in the mid 70's.
Born in 1998 - Boreas was with us for 14 years. Still, it was not enough time.