999 Willow Grove Street, Hackettstown NJ
Puppy-Wuppy Dog Training

Queen "Quen"Skocicka Samota CD, RE, IPO 3, PSA/PDC, DJA,DN, TKI, CGC
OFA – PrelimGood
PENN HIp - 90th
Elbows Clear
DM Clear
qualified for Nationals in 2015.
Competed: Rally All Stars 2014
Competed: USCA New England Regionals 2015
Competed: USCA German Shepherd Dog Nationals 2015, Kentucky
PSA - PDC - Suit Division - June 2017
Competed: USCA New England Regionals 2017
AKC Canine Good Citizen, 2018
AKC NADD Dock Diving Novice Title 2018
'AKC NADD Dock Diving Junion Advanced Title 2019
AKC Trick Dog 2 Title 2019
In October 2012, we obtained a new young Import from Skocicka Samota Kennels in the Czech Republic. He came to us through Martina Cervenakova of workingzcechgsdimport.com.
We are very pleased to have Quen with us and expect great things from this young male.
Aside from excellent grips, sound temperament, very high ball drive, and solid nerves,this dog comes from an impressive pedigree. His Father, Hoky Va-Pe, participated at the 2010 WUSV, 2009 WUSV in Krefield, Germany and 2009 FCI.
Hoky´s mom Beky Va-Pe was a top female from top lines. Her dam Loggi Maineicheproduced top progeny - Akim, Arne, Cir, Cisko, Dunco, Duna, Dona, Darka Va-Pe. Hoky was the only pup in the litter. He has produced more than well in each of his matings regardless of the qualities of the females.
Quen is also the grandson of Tyson Von Der Schifflache, 3x LGA Sieger and 3x Bundesiegerplufung. Olix Karthago, Fado Karthago.
Quen’s dam is Heny Skocicka Samota, a very accomplished titled III with lines going back to the Czech Border Patrol dogs (Pohranaici Straze kennels) Ypsi Pohranaici Straze

Agir "Egor"
rapax bohemia, BH, IGP1, CD,CAA, FCAT2, DSA, TKN, CGC, PDC
OFA Elbows Clear, Hips Good
Egor was imported to us at 11 months (DOB 12/9/15) from Czech Republic with the goal of being our next IPO working dog.
Currently he is started in all three phases and showing great promise. A very lean, athletic, large dog who has yet to mature but has very solid grips and a fast strike.
High food drive, Extremely High Ball Drive and social.
His sire is Chester EQuidius and his Dam is Ekira Kurimskeho, daughter of Chris Spod Lazov. This dog is the FCI IPO Champion in 2013 with handler Joseph Adamuscin of Czech Rep scoring A98, B98, C97 / 293 and competing in the WUSV in Philadelphia, USA in 2013 with A88, B92, C97
Egor earned is first "title" on 10/30/2017 in Coursing Ability Test (CAT) and earned a CA title. He also earned is Dock Diving Senior title . Egor is an avid competitor at NADD Dock Diving with his best jump at 22" .
He is current running 26 MPH in the Fast Cat.
Egor Completed his IGP BH and will be moving toward his IGP1 in the fall
Egor earned his IGP 1 Title, with High Obedience.
In 2019 Egor is jumping 22 feet in dock diving and has earned his Advanced Title, qualifying for the NADD Dock Diving Nationals .
In 2019 Egor earned his Trick Dog Novice Title with AKC
In 2020 Egor earned his Fast Cat 2 Title
In 2021 Egor moved from Schutzhund to PSA (Protection Sport Training and accomplished is PDC Suit Division. On to our PSA 1 training

ANicosia "Nico"
Von Hedderick, CD, RN, DCAT, DJ TKI, CGC
Sire: Queen Skocicka Samota, IPO3, PSA-PDC, CD, RE, DN, DS, Ipo Nationals and Regionals Competitor, CGC
Dam: Catja Bella Von Schone Stadt, BH, CD, RA, DJ,
DOB: 5/9/2018
Nico earned is AKC Caning Good Citizen Award.
At 1 yr and 1 day Nico competed in his First AKC Trial for FAST CAT earning two legs toward 5 for a title that day.
2019 1yr. 3 months., earning his Trick Dog Novice Title with AKC
In 2020Nico earned his IGP BH Title
In 2021 Nico moved into the AKC Ring earning his CD as well As his Rally Novice Title.
Nico placed top 3 in all his 6 shows

Spirit "RitT"
Apporia Von StickEl, RN,TKI, Nadac
Ritt is Dutch Shepherd Mix approximately a year old. She is what we call a foster failure.
I took Ritt in because she needed to be rehomed from a family in South Carolina. She came into our home and just fit in with our pack and made herself at home.
She follows Quen around like a big brother, and he has been showing her the ropes.
Emma keeps her in line and The boys, Calais and Chaos are not quite sure what to make of her for now.
Spirit shows in NADAC agility, earning her Tunnelers Title and Regular Title so far. She also completed her AKC Novice B Rally Title in 2017 with a nice 2nd place and 97 out of 100. Not bad for our Rescue girl.
In 2019 Spirit Earned her Trick dog Novice and Intermediate Title with AKC

Blitz Underdog Von Stickel
DOB 8/3/2021
Blitz Underdog Von StickelDOB 8/3/2021
Blitz is an owner surrender from a client who didn't realize the breed she purchased. Blitz comes to us from Amish breeding, poor conditions, and lack of drives. He is a Belgian Malinois that we obtained at 4 months old.
We have introduced Blitz to the world, showing him food drive, prey drive, pack drive, and some hunt drive to turn him into a well rounded Belgian Malinois. WE call him our Underdog because he has had everything against him from the start. We are hoping he will like Fast Cat, Demo Obedience Work, and some Dock Diving in his future. Stay tuned and watch is Blitz Video's on Facebook.