Back to School for K9s - A few classes left for Sept. 2024
We are happy to share that most of our classes have filled with clients looking to spend quality time teaching, sharing, and building relationships and foundations with their dog...
However, we have a few classes with still one opening and have added a few classes as well to accommodate our new additions to the family.
Listed below are classes we still have open as of now.
To register, email us at
Saturday's starting 9/28
8am Basic Obedience II with Marty - 1 spot
11am Puppy 101 with Lori - 3 spots (new class time added)
Monday's starting 9/23
4pm Basic Obedience with Kaitlyn - 2 spots
8pm Basic obedience with Kaitlyn - 1 spot
Tuesday's starting 9/24
6pm Puppy 101/Foundations with Lori - 1 spot
6pm Basic Obedience with Marty - 1 spot
Wednesday's starting 9/25
5pm Puppy Foundations with Marty - 1 spot
Thursday's starting 10/3
8pm Puppy Foundations with Kaitlyn - 1 spot
