December Holiday Discounts and Changes to Schedule
Our December semester has typically brought gift bags to all our enrolled students. This year, as a Happy Holiday we are offering a $20 discount for the December semester to past and current students. Does not apply to new December students.
Privates Package:
Receive a discount for December as our way of saying Happy Holidays
Package: 4 Private 1 hour lessons. $600, normally $720. Must pay half at time of booking. To be used within 3 month period Privates are scheduled Wednesday/Thursdays/Some Friday mornings/Saturday afternoons.
No Play Stay and Train December:
Due to the holiday schedule there will be no Play Stay and Train for December. If you are interested in january, you must book/register before December 15th of your dates for January . Wednesday's Only.
December Day Board and Train
Drop off Hackettstown or Green twp 8pm
Pick up hackettstown location 4-5pm
Am - Learn house skills, crating leash walking counter surfing stays impulse control
Pm - Off Site Training at various locations working obedience skills
Limited Availability
$150 for the day - December Holiday Rate. January is 175
Must book 2 out of 4 days.
Dates offered: Please inquire
December New Classes:
Returning Rally Skills and Drills
Returning Trick Dog
REturning Therapy / CGC
Inquire: to register
Upcoming for January 2025
Intro to Barn Hunt
Intro to Scent work
Seminar - Managing Multi dog Household and Living with Reactive Dogs
K9 BBR Agility Trial