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Pongo aka Mac

German Shepherd – Rescued from Mason County Animal Shelter, West Virginia Nov. 2003. The shelter fell in love with Pongo and they had nothing but nice things to say agoat this 1 ½ yr old shepherd. Two rescues were supposed to pull him but both fell through and his time was running out. I decided to step in. Pongo is now living in NJ with a family and he is the center of attention. He travels with them everywhere and loves the affection he gets. He bonded extremely well with this family and they are all inseparable. He has also excelled in his obedience and they report he is super smart.


Update: November 2007

Mac enjoying the latest comforts of a quiet Thanksgiving at an Inn in PA with his Family. I guess he got first dibbs on the bed! His Mom says,” If his friends in West Virginia could see him now!”


"Hi Connie and Lori,

I hope all is well with you and that you had a happy Thanksgiving.

All is well with us. Fred and I had a quiet Thanksgiving (sans kids) in an inn in Pennsylvania. They allowed dogs so Mac came with us.

The food was great, and then we did some touristy things on Friday. Mac is definitely a city dog. He flipped out every time he saw a horse pulling an Amish cart. There was also a bit of chaos when he made the great escape from our room and fled directly to the kitchen in the restaurant area. Thank God it was early so no one saw except the workers!

I have attached a photo of Mac living it up in the hotel room He had his own bed! If his friends in West Virginia could see him now!!

Take care and hope to see you soon!

Sheila McAllister-Spooner, Ph.D."


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