More Obedience Awards for Puppy-Wuppy Clients......
It was a great training/trialing weekend for many of us who are working toward obedience and rally titles. A nice congratulations goes out to ...
Joanna with Stryker for 1st Place Novice A Obedience 186
Joanna with Stryker for 2nd Place Advanced Rally A 86
Rich with Bella for 1st place Advanced Rally A 94
Srijana with Bash for 2nd Place Novice A Rally 94 (Title)
Michelle with Exie for 5th place Novice B Rally (Title)
Lori with Quen for 2nd Place Excellent B Rally 96
Lori and Ritt for 2nd Place Novice B Rally 97 - (Title). Super proud of Spirit for working through her fears and showing so well. From an abused rescue dog she has come so far and we are very proud of her.