New Classes - New Offerings 2024

Trick Dog Class - This will be all levels of trick. At the end of the 6 week semester, i will test you with AKC for Trick Title depending on your level.
Monday's at 6pm starting 1/8
Games Class - Each week handler and dog will compete in obedience games against other classmates for a prize at the end of the class. Things will include such as fastest recall, quickest down, bobbing for hot dogs, musical sits to name a few. Tuesday's at 6pm starting 1/2
Intro to AKC Fetch - AKC has a new title "fetch' i which it involves directed retrieves. We will introduce this new event in an intro to fetch class, however the dog must have a prerequisite of "fetch" or hold as this class does not teach the hold but the retrieve part.
Sunday's at 10am starting 1/7
Tuesday's at 9am starting 1/2
Happy Training.