Changes to July 2023 Semester - First Enrolled
Changes for July Semester Registration is based in first enrolled.
We have always offered our currently enrolled students first option to reenroll before we open it up to the waiting list and then the public. However, with holiday schedules and vacations, we understand you may have other commitment's than training, so we are publishing our upcoming schedule for everyone. If you are currently enrolled and wish to return, please reply to at your earliest convenience, as we have limited spots, and our semesters do fill. We will try to accommodate your current class, but that may fill and close
Register for our Classes Saturday's Starting 7/22 8am Agility with Lori - Filled 9am Agility with Lori - Filled Taking one waiting list client 10am Advanced Obedience with Lori 8am Level 2 Obedience with Pam 9am Level 1 Obedience with Pam 10am Level 1 or 2 Obedience with Pam 11am Puppy with Pam 10am Level 3 Obedience with Kaitlyn 11am Level 3 Obedience with Kaitlyn 12pm Puppy and Basic Obedience II with Kaitlyn 1pm Level 2/3 Obedience with Kaitlyn Monday's starting 7/17 5pm Rally Skills with Lori 6pm Rally Skills with Lori 7pm Advanced Obedience with Lori 5pm Level 1 Basic Obedience with Pam 6pm Level 1 Basic Obedience with Pam 7pm Level 3 Obedience with Pam 4pm Advanced/CGC/Therapy with Kaitlyn 5pm Basic Obedience with Kaitlyn 6pm Level 3 Obedience with Kaitlyn 7pm Puppy Foundations II with kaitlyn 8pm Basic Obedience with Kaitlyn (young dogs) Tuesday's starting 7/11 5pm Competition Obedience/Rally with Lori (limited spot) 6pm Beyond Basic/Intermediate with Lori 7pm Intro to Agility Obstacles / Short sequences(limited spot) 5pm Puppy Foundations/Basic with Pam 6pm Puppy Foundations /Basic with Pam 7pm Level 1/ 2 Obedience with Pam Wednesday's starting 7/12 6pm Puppy Foundations / 101 with Lori 7pm Level 3 Intermediate with Lori 5pm Puppy Foundations/ 101 with Kaitlyn- filled 6pm Level 3 Intermediate with Kaitlyn 7pm Level 1/2 Basic/beyond basic with Kaitlyn 8pm Level 1 Basic Obedience with Kaitlyn Thursday's starting 7/20 4pm Competiton Obedience with Lori - Filled 5pm Competition Obedience with Lori 6pm Agility Skills and Drills - Advanced 7pm Agility Skills and Drills- Intermediate 8pm Agility Skills and Drills- Basic 4pm Level 4 Obedience with Kaitlyn 5pm Level 1/2 Obedience with Kaitlyn 6pm Level 2 Obedience with Kaitlyn 7pm Level 2 Obedience with Kaitlyn 8pm Level 2/3 obedience with Kaitlyn Level1 - Basic Obedience, Level 2 Beyond Basic Obedience (Pre requisite Dog understands and performs heel, auto sit, down, stay, stand) Level 3 Intermediate Obedience Level 4 Advanced Obedience Email us with your class choice: If you are a new student you must complete our new client enrollment form. We can email you a jot form.
Seminars: 7/7 E Collar Seminar and Workshop with Demo 7pm $75/$25 7/14 Behavioral Issues Seminar with Case Study and Handouts 7pm $90